Map of our Travels

Thursday, July 7, 2011

First stop, the central leatherstocking region, to celebrate Coltrane's 8th!

We are in Blossville,NY for a couple of nights. We drove the RV through Hamilton College: look kids, this is where mom and dad first met! They were less than impressed. There has been so much construction there in the years since we graduated, that it was hard to recognize places. We drove by the house we used to live in, and had trouble figuring out just which one it was. Duh.
Anyway, Coltrane has rented a paddle boat for his birthday, and Emmett and I are patiently awaiting our turn out on it. Happy birthday, Coltrane!


Holly said...

Happy Birthday, Coltrane! Hope and I were on the road most of the day, so we didn't get a chance to write to you. She went to the butcher with me and spent sometime visiting Wanda, the goat, and a puppy named major.

The paddle boat sounds very cool!

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