Map of our Travels

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Time to get off the Colorado Plateau!

I'll admit, it is truly amazing here, and I have indeed learned a lot about the fascinating natural processes which lifted the plateau and caused things like the Grand Canyon.  However, it's freezing cold way up here!  I can't believe I spend my days higher than the peak of Mount Katahdin.

We are heading down to Sedona today, and then on to Prescott, and then working our way south.  I am excited to de-winterize the RV so we can have running water again, but of course that means we'll be doing dishes and such again.  I don't think a couple weeks of paper plates and bowls has really made that much of a difference to our carbon footprint, all things considered (9 mpg, anyone?).

Goodbye, snow!


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